Sunday, May 13, 2012

Linda' son/.Issipon/Mothers Day at Radio;CCC;Speaking at Fellowship

Issipon was a blessing as you can see as we went into the village o bless the children with notepads for school.We even taught the sign language to Jesus Loves MNe this I know.
The fourth picture is the three of us being used on the radio Mother Days' early morning(5am) to discuss the importance of Motherhood.
The pictures of the women was taken at CCC on Mothers' Day and I was asked to pray for them
The Children Ministry at CCC honored each mother with a lovely gift-What Agape Love!!.
This group picture at CCC includes Mortilla who was my invited guest-I was so happy that she came to worship God
Mama Grace Dawson who is the Mother of CCC received special gifts for Mothers' Day
I was asked to speak at an evening fellowship on Mothers' Dayand I spoke on "A Mary Mother"The fellowship received a blessing in Jesus Name.Praise God!!

My Mothers' Day was so special-I received a very lovely email from my Pastors Michael & Lorelle Rich  and the Royal Life Life Family Church.It was so beautiful;plus they sent a special love offering to me to trat myself to a special dinner and I did just that-thank you again for your loving thoughtfulness.

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