Friday, March 7, 2008

The Beauty of Gods' Youth

Teaching the youth in Dowmo and Issipon is an honor. They are so grateful and so eager to learn. I am working with the 4th and 5th graders on Thursday in Dwomo. I spend an hour with each class. I give out copies of Language skills and I teach them.Right now we are working on the short and long vowel sounds. Ten minutes is spent on Etiquette-sitting, standing and introductions. Ten minutes is spent on the impoortance of water to long Life and showing love by complementing each other verbally with eye contact. Ten minutes is spent on teaching a scripture from the Word of God.

In Issipon, I spend an hour each Saturdaay teaching Etiquette to 70 youth.I intergrate in my teachings the value of water,love and scripture.

My schedule is as follows:
Monday-CCC Womens' Meeting
Tuesday- Rest/Computer Cafe
Wedsnesday-Issipon Village Womens'Meeting
Thursday- 4th & 5th Graders -DowmoVillage/ Diabene Krome-Youth -Etiquette
Friday- 4th & 5th graders- Adie Gomo Village
Saturday- Youth at Issipon-Etiquette
Sunday- Latter Rain -Director of Youth Bible Classes/ Singles Ministry 5pm in my home

I am overseeing the Water Project in Issipon Village and in Diabene Krome. I check to make sure the water purifiers are being used properly. At the present time,Issipon is the only village that is using the purifier. Diabene Krome is still working on preparing for the use of the water purifier. I will be checking on the sewing machine projects as they develop in the three villages that they were placed as well as the craving tools.

May God bless you a thousand fold for your prayers aand your loving giving to this mission.Please continue to pray for transportation(a truck would be wonderful)

Love you

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