Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I helped the chief of Issipon to give out New Testment Bibles to the students. I talked to them about the importance of reading and becoming doers of the Word.

The young man name is Daniel, I met him at Graces' mother celebration. He is nineteen years old and he is longing to go to college but he does not have the funds. I was lead to put his picture here in hopes that someone will be touched anad help him. He is a special young man with a heart for God.

The picture of the drums are here to let you know that drums play a vital role in African culture. Each drum and each beat has a speciall meaning. This weekend they were played everyday to celebrate Graces' mother one year burial. The drums played Friday evening, Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon. The drums act as a mouth piece for the occcasion.

All is well and Grace and her family were so proud to have a family member from Royal Life Int. Church be with them doing their celebration. This weekend coming up will be a celebration of Pastor Dawsons' celebration.

Blessings and lots of love

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